To receive email notification of talks, please send your name and email address to sends e-mail)
Monday, March 3 @ 3:30 pm - The Robert A. Kagan Lecture In Law and Regulation
Next Generation Compliance: Environmental Regulation for the Modern Era
Cynthia Giles, former Assistant Administrator, EPA’s Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance
Moderated by Catherine Albiston, Jackson H. Ralston Professor of Law; Professor of Sociology;
Faculty Director of CSLS
Comments by Daniel Farber, Sho Sato Professor of Law; Faculty Director of the Center for Law, Energy, &
the Environment, UC Berkeley
Warren Room, 295 Simon Hall, Berkeley Law | 3:30 - 6:15 p.m.
Click here(link is external) to register for the livestream via Zoom.
Friday, March 7 @ 9:30 am
Race, Law, and Society: Critical Perspectives from the Disciplines
Megan Ming Francis, G. Alan and Barbara Delsman Associate Professor of Political Science and Associate Professor
of Law, Societies, and Justice at the University of Washington; Myisha Eatmon, Assistant Professor of African and
African American Studies and of History at Harvard University; Cecilia Menjívar, Professor Sociology and Dorothy
L. Meier Chair in Social Equities at UCLA
Cosponsored by the Law and Society Association(link is external), the Thelton E. Henderson Center for Social Justice(link is external),
the Center for Race and Gender(link is external), and the Institute (link is external)for the Study of Societal Issues(link is external)
Goldberg Room, 297 Simon Hall, Berkeley Law | 9:30 a.m.- 12:00 p.m.
Click here(link is external) to register for the livestream via Zoom.
FALL 2024
Monday, September 9 @ 3:00 pm - Memorial Lecture In Honor of David Lieberman
"Sinister Interest: Bethamite Themes in the U.S. Supreme Court's 2023 Term"
Karen Tani, Seaman Family University Professor, Penn Carey Law, University of Pennsylvania
Warren Room, 295 Simon Hall, Berkeley Law | 3:00 - 5:30 p.m.
Monday, February 5 @ 3:00 pm - Memorial Lecture In Honor of Lauren Edelman
"Behind the Window Dressing: Micro-Level Drivers of Symbolic Legal Compliance"
Lauren Rivera, Professor of Sociology and Management & Organizations, Kellog School of Management at
Northwestern University
Sponsored by: the Center for Law and Work(link is external)
Goldberg Room, Berkeley Law | 3:00 - 6:00 p.m.
Monday, March 4 @ 3:30 pm - The Robert A. Kagan Lecture In Law and Regulation
"Attention Shoppers! American Retail Capitalism and the Rise of the Amazon Economy"
Kathleen Thelen, Ford Professor of Political Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Moderated by Catherine Albiston, Jackson H. Ralston Professor of Law; Professor of Sociology;
Faculty Director of CSLS
Comments by David Singh Grewal, Professor of Law, UC Berkeley
and Paul Pierson, John Gross Endowed Chair; Professor of Political Science, UC Berkeley
Warren Room, 295 Simon Hall, Berkeley Law | 3:30 - 6:15 p.m.
FALL 2023
Thurs, Nov. 2 @ 12:50 pm - CSLS Cosponsored Event
The Scandal of Cal: A Book Talk Featuring Author Tony Platt & Professors Seth Davis, Nazune Menka(link is external)
& Jonathan Simon(link is external)
Tony Platt, CSLS Affiliate
Seth Davis, UC Berkeley
Nazune Menka, UC Berkeley
Jonathan Simon, UC Berkeley
Sponsored by: the Thelton E. Henderson Center for Social Justice(link is external) and the Center for Race and Gender(link is external)
170 Law Building, Berkeley Law | 12:50 - 2:00 p.m.
Thurs, Oct. 26 @ 3:30 pm - CSLS Cosponsored Event
The Movement for Immigrant Voting Rights: Journey, Victories, Backlash, & Future(link is external)
Annette Wong, Managing Director of Programs, Chinese for Affirmative Action
Ron Hayduk, San Francisco State University
Stephanie Zonszein Strauss, UC Berkeley
Eric Schickler, UC Berkeley
Irene Bloemraad, UC Berkeley
Sponsored by: the Berkeley Interdisciplinary Migration Initiative(link is external), the Institute of Governmental Studies(link is external),
the Asian American Research Center(link is external), and the(link is external) Asian American and Asian Diaspora Studies(link is external)
109 Philosophy Hall (formerly Moses Hall), Institute of Governmental Studies Library | 3:30 – 5:30 p.m.
For the event flyer, click here(link is external).
Wed, Sept. 20 @ 12:45 pm - CSLS Cosponsored Event
Book Talk: Japan's Prisoners of Conscience: Protest and Law During the Iraq War(link is external)
Lawrence Repeta, Meiji University, Japan
Sponsored by: the Center for the Study of Law and Society, Legal Studies(link is external), Sho Sato Program in Japanese Law(link is external), and the Center for Japanese Studies(link is external)
Room 145, Berkeley Law | 12:45 – 2:00 p.m.
For the event flyer and abstract, click here.(link is external)
FALL 2022
Mon, Oct. 3 @ 12pm (Virtual) - CSLS Cosponsored Event
Tolani Britton, Assistant Professor of Education, UC Berkeley
Sponsored by: Institute for the Study of Societal Issues(link is external)
12:00 – 1:00 p.m.
Hybrid: Latinx Research Center | 2547 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA & via Zoom Webinar
Jennifer James, Assistant Professor, Institute for Health & Aging, Dept. of Social & Behavioral Sciences, and UCSF Bioethics, University of California, San Francisco
Sponsored by: Berkeley Center for Social Medicine
Co-sponsored by: Center for the Study of Law and Society, Center for Race and Gender, Othering and Belonging Institute Diversity & Health Disparities Cluster
THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 2022 - CSLS Visiting Scholars Speaker Series
STÉPHANE MECHOULAN, “Revisiting the Effects of Abortion Legalization on the Incidence of STDS”
Philip Selznick Seminar Room, 2240 Piedmont Ave. | 2:00 – 3:00 p.m.
Monday, April 25 - CSLS 6th Annual Robert A. Kagan Lecture in Law and Regulation w/TIMOTHY D. LYTTON
3:30 pm - 5:15pm with reception to follow | Goldberg Room (297)
Timothy D. Lytton, Associate Dean for Research & Faculty Development; Distinguished University Professor & Professor of Law at Georgia State University will present a lecture entitled, “Confronting Deep Uncertainty in Regulatory Science: Contaminated Lettuce and the Elusive Quest for Food Safety“.
The discussants will be Edward L. Rubin, University Professor of Law and Political Science, Vanderbilt University Law School and David J. Vogel, Professor of The Graduate School; Soloman P. Lee Chair Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Business Ethics; Professor Emeritus, Political Science Department and Haas School of Business, UC Berkeley.
This Article presents a case study that yields general principles for regulating risks characterized by “deep uncertainty.” These are risks that are unquantifiable, incomparable, and resistant to modeling. The Article identifies three attributes of deep uncertainty in food safety regulation. First, reliable data concerning the prevalence of harmful pathogens in the production process are unobtainable. Second, the factors that determine the risk that contamination poses to human health are extremely heterogeneous. Third, the causal chains that connect contamination to foodborne illness are bafflingly complex.
Uncertainty is, by definition, a feature of all risk regulation. However, this Article argues that deep uncertainty frustrates standard approaches to managing risk. Deep uncertainty renders meaningful cost-benefit analysis impossible. It also prompts stakeholder anxiety that fuels demand for more stringent and detailed regulation despite a lack of scientific evidence, on the questionable theory that doing something is better than doing nothing. Regulatory performance cannot be enhanced by public-private partnerships that leverage private sector expertise because deep uncertainty is just as much a problem for industry experts as it is for agency officials.
The Article explains how deep uncertainty has frustrated efforts to end recurrent foodborne illness outbreaks caused by contaminated leafy greens. Using insights gleaned from a critical analysis of competing theories of risk-regulation, the Article generates specific, feasible recommendations to help regulators cope with deep uncertainty. As it turns out, the lettuce fields of California are fertile ground not only for fresh produce but also for regulatory reform.
Thursday, March 31 - CSLS Cosponsored Event – Migration, Trauma and Resilience
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Migrants face trauma before, during, and after migration. The degree of the trauma may vary depending on the type and journey undertaken to reach the final destination, but it is present. Berkeley Interdisciplinary Migration Initiative presents a talk with Ms. Tsui Yee, leading immigration lawyer, Dr. Gunisha Kaur, Anesthesiologist and human rights researcher, and Ms. Leah Spelman, Executive Director at the Partnerships for Trauma Recovery to discuss with moderator Prof. Khatharya Um of Ethnic Studies, what is the extent of trauma and how it manifests itself in the lives of migrants as they navigate their new realities. The talk will spotlight the need to study,research, and alleviate trauma in social, economic, political, and legal framework.
CSLS Visiting Scholars Speaker Series
3:30-5:00 p.m. in the Selznick Seminar Room, 2240 Piedmont Ave.
Masks are required (click for more information)(link is external).
Moderated by Catherine Albiston
Email CSLS Executive Director, Pamela Erickson to RSVP at sends e-mail)
Friday, February 18
Marie Manikis, Associate Professor and William Dawson Scholar
Faculty of Law, McGill University, Montreal, Canada
"Recognizing State Accountability in Criminal Justice: A Communicative and Relational Framework"
Marc Hertogh, Professor of Socio-Legal Studies
University of Groningen, The Netherlands
"Relational Legal Consciousness in the Punitive Welfare State: How Dutch Welfare Officials Shape Clients’ Perceptions of Law"
Friday, March 18 - via zoom and in-person | For the even flyer, click here (PDF file).
In-Person: Philip Selznick Seminar Room, 2240 Piedmont Ave | Masking information(link is external).
Brad Roth, Professor of Political Science and Law, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan
"The Moral Role of Positive Law in a Pluralist International Legal Order”
AMANDA GREENE, Associate Professor of Philosophy, University College London
“The Logic of Legitimacy”
JSP Forum Sessions - 1/19/22, 1/27/22, 2/2/22 - Click here for details.(link is external)
Wednesday, March 9 - CSLS Cosponsored Event - The Right-Wing Side of the Voting Wars
Emily Rong Zhang, Ph.D. Candidate in Political Science, Stanford University
Sponsored by Center for Right-Wing Studies, Department of Political Science, Institute of Governmental Studies
4-5:30 pm, In-Person | Latinx Research Center, 2547 Channing Way, Berkeley
Click here for more information(link is external).
Over the past few years, the Voting Wars in the United States have escalated to outright election subversion. Among emerging threats include the Independent State Legislature Doctrine, espoused by several members of the Supreme Court, and the increasingly prominent narrative of election fraud. What is at stake? How did we get here? Who is defending these practices? To help answer these questions, this talk will examine the prior and ongoing litigation against voter suppression laws following the invalidation of the pre-clearance regime of the Voting Rights Act and against gerrymandered maps following the previous and the latest redistricting cycle.
FALL 2021
CSLS Cosponsored Event - CLAW Panel: The Future of Universal Family and Medical Leave
Tuesday, November 9, 2021 @ 12:45 pm - 2:00 pm
The United States is the only industrialized nation in the world without a minimum standard of paid family or medical leave, even though universal paid leave enjoys strong public support. But Congress is currently considering legislation to create a national paid family leave policy in the United States as part of Biden’s Build Back Better bill. What is at stake for working families and employers? What are the larger policy implications of paid family leave for economic recovery, inequality, and the welfare of families? Come hear an expert panel talk about what universal paid family leave will mean for American working families.
CATHERINE ALBISTON, Jackson H. Ralston Professor of Law and Professor of Sociology, UC Berkeley
VASU REDDY, Senior Policy Counsel for Economic Justice at the National Partnership for Women and Families
SHARON TERMAN, Director of the Work and Family Program and Senior Staff Attorney at Legal Aid at Work
JODY HEYMANN, UCLA Distinguished Professor, Fielding School of Public Health
CSLS Cosponsored Event - Studying Religious Symbols and Bias in Court Proceedings
November 9 | 12:30 pm | Hybrid | RSVP here(link is external)
Canadian Studies' new Sproul Fellow Nicholas A. R. Fraser will discuss some of his own research that examines bias within Canadian judicial procedures against religious minorities. Using his own experimental data, Dr. Fraser will use the example of courtroom oaths as a window into how Canadian cultural expectations can subtly affect an immigrant's experience of "integration."
More information here(link is external).
JSP Reunion Book Event Featuring Ashley Rubin, Ming Chen & Hadar Aviram
February 26, 2021 from 12:30-2:00 p.m.
CLAW Symposium, cosponsored with CSLS, Reforming Policing Through Changing Labor Relations
See a recording of the January 29th event here.
CSLS Visiting Scholars Speaker Series – Spring 2021
A Series of Talks by Center for the Study of Law & Society Visiting Scholars
Fridays from 12:00-1:30 p.m. via zoom
RSVP by emailing CSLS Executive Director, Pamela Erickson at sends e-mail)
Moderated by CSLS Faculty Director, Catherine Albiston
For the Spring Calendar, please click here (PDF file).
Please click here for other spring 2021 CSLS Events.(link is external)
FALL 2020
Dialogues on Anti-Black Racism and Contesting it Across Borders (Cosponsored with CSLS): New Video Resources from the LUTA Initiative
Now on The LUTA Initiative(link is external)'s website are new video resources(link is external) available as tools for critical pedagogy, research and political action on the forms, histories, and struggles against anti-black racism. In February 2019, LUTA and its diverse collaborators organized an historic symposium on Anti-Black State Violence In the Americas: Power and Struggle in Brazil and the U.S.(link is external), hosted at UC Berkeley. The LUTA Initiative is committed to ensuring the far-reaching impact of these cross-national dialogues and exchanges for understanding and challenging anti-black racism and white supremacy, and their intersections with other forms of marginalizing individuals/communities across generations, cultures, and political systems. These symposium dialogues are now widely accessible for our communities, classrooms and research through translation and captioning in Portuguese and English. Videos range from conversations on anti-blackness and the nation-state, to genealogies of Black struggle, Black cultural production, transnational Black feminisms, policing and incarceration, re-imagining education, democracy, health and healing, and more. Please spread the word and share these resources with your friends and networks!
A luta continua! In solidarity,The LUTA Initiative
The Police & Carceral State: Conceptualizing, Tracking & Resisting the Beast
With Andreia Beatriz (Reaja ou Será Mort@) & Cat Brooks (Anti Police-Terror Project),
moderated by Maria-Fátima Santos (UC Berkeley, Department of Sociology)
(Panel video recording (link is external)from Anti-Black State Violence Across the Americas Symposium)
Recognizing and wrestling with the penal state is central to resisting mechanisms of racialized violence. Yet doing so is made difficult when the very communities needing to resist constitute the largest share of incarcerated people – keeping the stories, logics, and spirit of entire communities locked away. This panel focuses on understanding the realities and effects of policing and incarceration in Brazil and the United States, which confine the third and first largest incarcerated populations in the world, respectively. In both countries, those who are incarcerated are disproportionately Black. This panel tasks us to utilize transnational dialogues as a means to reveal the nature of the penal state, its imperialist dimensions, and its cunning logics, while regarding the experiences of state-incarcerated and -killed citizens. How can these countries’ histories be understood in relation to mechanisms of penal state power, and their racialized dimensions? In what ways do certain policy, institutional, and technological “innovations” obscure and conceal the violence of the policing and carceral state? Along with many more questions, this panel reveals and strengthens transnational exchange and highlights crucial logics of resistance.
CSLS Cosponsored Event with Audrey Macklin and Leti Volpp
Audrey Macklin, Professor and Chair in Human Rights Law, University of Toronto Faculty of Law
Leti Volpp, Professor of Law, Berkeley Law
No Safe Country for Refugees? The Canada-US Safe Third Country Agreement Before the Canadian Courts
Cosponsored with Canadian Studies Program (CAN))(link is external), Berkeley Interdisciplinary Migration Initiative(link is external), Center for Race and Gender(link is external)
Tuesday, September 1 | 12:30-2:00 p.m.
Click here for more information(link is external).
CSLS Cosponsored Event with Shannon Gleeson, Jennifer Chacón, Laura Enriquez & G. Cristina Mora
Shannon Gleeson(link is external), Associate Professor of Labor Relations & History, Cornell ILR School
Jennifer Chacón(link is external), Professor of Law, UCLA School of Law
Laura Enriquez(link is external), Assistant Professor in Chicano/Latino Studies, University of California, Irvine
G. Cristina Mora(link is external), Co-Director, Institute of Governmental Studies
Dreamers and the Future of DACA
Co-sponsored with the Institute of Governmental Studies, Robert T. Matsui Center for Politics and Public Service, Diversity and Democracy Research Cluster, Othering & Belonging Institute, Latinx Research Center, Center for Race and Gender, Berkeley Interdisciplinary Migration Initiative, Social Science Matrix, and Berkeley Law
Thursday, September 10 | 12:00 – 1:00 pm
CSLS Cosponsored Event with Khiara M. Bridges
Khiara M. Bridges, Professor of Law, UC Berkeley
Abortion Rights in 2020 and Beyond: Threats and Resistance
Cosponsored with Center for Right-Wing Studies and Institute for the Study of Societal Issues
Wednesday, September 30 | 12:00 – 1:30 pm
Click here for more information. (link is external)
CSLS Cosponsored Event with Vasanthi Venkatesh
Vasanthi Venkatesh(link is external), Assistant Professor in Law, Land, and Local Economies, University of Windsor Faculty of Law
“Social Movements and Legal Mobilisation in Times of Crisis: Migrant Farm Worker Rights in Canada”
The COVID-19 pandemic has disproportionately affected migrant farm workers. Former Hildebrand Fellow Vasanthi Venkatesh, a professor of law at the University of Windsor specializing in social movements and immigration, gives context to the crisis by showing how the pandemic has overlaid itself onto existing systemic racial discrimination against migrant farm workers embedded in law and policy. She also shows how migrant farm worker advocates have responded to the crisis by exposing the racial capitalism of the Canadian agricultural economy, using radical narratives to challenge these systems.
Cosponsored with Canadian Studies Program (CAN))
(link is external)Tuesday, October 6 | 12:30-2 p.m. | Online
RSVP by emailing sends e-mail) by October 5.
Click here for more information.(link is external)
CSLS Cosponsored Event with Samuel J. Levine, Director of the Jewish Law Institute and Professor of Law, Touro College
“Was the Biblical Joseph on the Spectrum?”
The biblical Joseph's behaviors, interpersonal relationships, and personal development are often difficult to understand, and at times seem to defy explanation. Samuel J. Levine(link is external), a Touro Law Center professor, will offer a coherent and cohesive reading of Joseph's story that presents a portrait of Joseph as an individual on the autism spectrum. Viewed through this lens, Joseph emerges as a more familiar and less enigmatic individual, exhibiting both strengths and weaknesses commonly associated with autism spectrum disorder.
Cosponsored with Berkeley Institute for Jewish Law and Israel Studies
Wednesday, October 21 | 11am – 12:30pm
CSLS Cosponsored Event with Carla Shedd(link is external)
Carla Shedd, Associate Professor, Urban Education & Sociology, The Graduate Center, City University of New York
Empirics of Justice: Tracking the Carceral Continuum in Urban America
Co-sponsored by Graduate School of Education, Thelton E. Henderson Center for Social Justice, Center for Race and Gender, UC Berkeley
Friday, November 13 | 12:00pm – 1:30pm